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Sesé joins the Aragon Automotive and Mobility Cluster as the first partner in the supply chain sector

Sesé joins the Aragon Automotive and Mobility Cluster as the first partner in the supply chain sector

  • The company joins the cluster with the aim of contributing to the construction of a more sustainable and connected future
  • Sesé has been accompanying the automotive industry as a strategic partner in its supply chain for more than four decades.

Sesé, a leader in comprehensive supply chain management, joins the Aragon Automotive and Mobility Cluster (CAAR) as a new partner, the first in the field of supply chain, logistics and transportation, thus joining a ecosystem of companies and organizations that work every day to build a more sustainable and connected future.

In line with the strategies of the main manufacturers and the European Union, two years ago the CAAR assumed the concept of mobility in a manner consistent with the transformation process that the sector has experienced and which is also reflected in the companies themselves. that make up the organization, who are no longer dedicated solely to the manufacturing of vehicle components. With this new approach, the CAAR continues to place the automobile at the center, but opens itself to all mobility systems, existing and upcoming, and to all companies that may be related to them. It is at this moment when Sesé takes the step of joining this cluster to join forces for a common goal: building a more sustainable and connected future.

The Aragonese cluster already has as partners companies dedicated, for example, to the production of autonomous guided vehicles (AGV) present in many industrial plants, vehicle sharing or carsharing, the manufacture of chargers for electric vehicles or the development and research into next-generation communication networks. Now, the incorporation of Sesé supports this commitment by CAAR to an activity that is undergoing a significant transformation around the world, given the needs to decarbonize transportation to reduce its environmental impact and achieve an agile and efficient supply chain.

About the CAAR

With 122 members, the cluster is the main representative organization of the automotive and mobility sector in the autonomous community of Aragon. It brings together an entire ecosystem that constitutes one of the largest concentrations of industrial capacity, knowledge and talent in southern Europe, made up of more than 300 companies that concentrate a business volume of 12,000 million euros – almost 30% of Aragon’s GDP. – and in which 34,000 people work, 27% of all those employed in the Aragonese industry. Among its objectives are to promote cooperation and collaboration in projects between companies in the automotive and mobility sector of Aragon, optimizing the efficiency of their operations, promoting R&D&i, motivating the use of new technologies and improving both management and training of human resources and the competitiveness of their companies.